Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Julie/Julia Project

Okay, so I'm a little behind on the scene, and never knew this blog existed until a few weeks ago, when I heard about the movie being filmed starring Meryl Streep. Last week, I went to Word and bought Julie and Julia. (Have I mentioned that Word is the best bookstore? I think I may have once, but it's worth repeating. Christine is fabulous and I vow to buy every single book from there from now on. Support yr local scene, maaan.)

I started reading it last week, and I'm about two train rides away from completing it. (I can only read on the train now. No time at home.) I'm not an iPod on the train kinda person anyway. I have to listen to loud stupid Lilth chick rock for 8 hours a day, I revel in my quiet time. Since it's 2 trains to the Rock everyday, I get plenty of reading in. (Occasionally, I do close my eyes for a hot minute or three, because I'm easily lulled in the subway, surprisingly.) But frankly, it's such a great book that I'm breezing through it. It took me over a month to read The Omnivore's Dilemma. Not this one, tho. It's so good. I've read other people say this about the book, but, I feel like I know her. I would like to know her. I should know her. Think she'll have brunch with me?

That might be the new mission: get Julie to have brunch with me. Or at least a latte.

Due to interweb connectivity issues, I'mma gonna have to cut this one a little short. But, Julie....yr cordially invited to a latte. Not that yr reading this. Although, that would be cool.


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